
30 Days Short Story Challenge

By iameunicegm - 7:35 PM

Hey Peeps,

The days are getting longer with MCO in place and I can feel myself slowly turning into a Screen Zombie which is aren't something that I should be proud of since I can feel my creativity juice, leaving my mind each day.

Hence, I figured, why not let's find something fun that allowed myself some space and commitment to launched out my creativity juice and spend some productivity time on myself, instead of focusing on work alone?

I tried to do some puzzles on phone but I gave up halfway, thinking, why am I even doing this when I am still spending time on the screen? I then decided to throw myself into Instagram challenge but then I hate the feeling of posting something for people to see and allow people to stalk me, which give others an opportunity to see things that they want to see.

I then started to look into Pinterest as it used to be a space where creativity people goes in and pour out their juice. I did not come out of that browsing session a changed person but I did come out from that session, with ideas. I don't know if this sounds crazy but given that I had stopped writing for a long time, this would be a good time for me to start again right?

There are a few challenges that you can partake in for 30 days, which, is not that long if you think about it.

Anyway, I decided to pick up the 30 days Short Story Challenge, which means I need to read a short story daily, and write a short story each week and publish it. I am still not sure where I would be publishing it but we will see.

I hearby swear that I would commit myself to this challenge and produced a short story each week.

Do you have any tips on how to make this happen?

Auuw, I am worry now that I will not be able to commit.



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