
Keeping it Together - Day 15 of Quarintine

By iameunicegm - 11:18 PM

Yes people.

It is my day 15. I got back from Japan 2 weeks ago and i was told to self quarantine myself and I did however halfway through, the government decides to put a halt on people and we are all ordered to stay at home. Well, if that is going to help my misery but at least we are all in the same boat aye to avoid any more crazy spike in our graph?

So, how are you guys doing? I believe majority of us are under the lockdown / #stayathome but how are you guys doing emotionally and mentally? I would say most of us would be doing superb physically since the kitchen is just there and no one is there to judge us on how much we are eating. (Well, my brother does that at times).

I am not sure if I am too cooped up that my mental health is getting a little lower or is it just the hormones talking but man, this sucks. I miss walking outside. I miss going to places to have some good meal or to have a good cup of coffee. I have no idea how some people can manage to stay at home at all times but this is tough.

I am not proud to say this but the phone is constantly on my hand, seeking for attention. Everyone on social media is busy tagging each other on some lame games that makes us talk about ourselves. The news over social media is not a good news that would make us jump with happiness and i miss my people. I miss talking to them and hugging them. Although I am able to talk to them over phone and whatsapp but it is just not the same. The physical touch is missing and oh how I long to hold people and tell them that I miss them. Sigh.

Will everything be better?

I hope you guys stay safe and be okay.


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