
Convid-19 Partial Lockdown

By iameunicegm - 11:40 PM

Hey there,

It's been a while. As usual. Life comes and goes, stuck in a loop till someone mentioned, hey, you should write again. I don't even remember how did I log in before this but somehow I managed to log in so all is well I guess.

The year 2020 has been a shitty one so far. Many deaths and when I said many, it's in 5 digits. Deaths that impacted globally, taking away the whole generation even and all because of Convid-19. Google up Convid-19 or also known as Corona if you have not read about it yet. You must be reading this post when all things has settled or you are just too cooped up in your little nest, ignoring the world.

A friend shared this in a chat group and I wondered when this will end. I hope that with our current technology and knowledge of the past, we would be able to create a vaccination or medicine to tackle this before it goes higher than it is. We will know with time aye?

Being stuck at home now is taking tons of energy from me, considering the physical and mental perspective. There are some of my friends who are able to stay home and be happy with that but boy-i just want to be outside with people. I am tired of watching netflix, going through tiktok, reading all the negative news on twitter, and scrolling through people food and workout during this period. I do know that I want to be far away from everyone and just be with nature, not in the house. Sigh. 

I got to be patience though. A little bit more. Day by day. 


Stay safe, people. 

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