
End of 2018

By iameunicegm - 11:16 PM

Hello People of the internet.

Oh - hello Eunice documentary.

It is the time of the year where everyone goes around reflecting on their whole year. It takes 365 days for us to ignore everything and when it is finnally time to move on to the next 365 days, that's where we starts to go back on the past 365 days.

Alright. I'm confusing.

The end year is a time where we take a deep breath and go through our life and see what we can change about it. It's more of a.. (What's the word?).. post mortem. Yesh. That word.

Now, let's see.

Jan 2018

The year started off preety good. Had a good New Year's with people that I care about. The new year comes and goes just like that. 

Feb 2018

It was time for a fresh look. With the help of my partner, we chopped this. It was a big move and it continue to be an addiction because I so wanted a new hairstyle. As usual, it was because I felt that my long hair is becoming a burden when they kept falling. 

Mar 2018

It was a crazy time for me due to the craziness of taking charge of Team Building for the company. It was one whole lot of work. I was so glad when the whole thing was over. Can't say for next year though. I think I have to sit put and focus on my work and less on stuff out of work. 

Apr 2018

Hatyai babey! It was the first trip out of the country and it was also the first trip using a train. It was interesting to use KTM and take a 6 hours trip to the north. Although it was a short trip but I feel that it was a good start. 

Ouh - it was also my first time in field so it was an eye opener. I get the opportunity to go to a country that needs tons of paperwork to go in - Iraq and boy I was excited! I had to burn my Philippines trip though but it was okay. I can head over to Cebu anytime I want right? :( 

May 2018

I did it! I took the shaver to my head and shaved off whatever that I could! Of course I was shocked to see the hair drop of my shoulders but it was a good thing. That hair needs to go anyway. 

Jun 2018

Made it to my bestie wedding and visit the land of temples - Myanmar. There were temples everywhere that makes it so memorable. Each spot there are things to see and history to ponder on. And, I rode a bike for the first time, although it was a bike that can runs to the speed of 30km/h but man, I did that! 


Returning to this draft in March 2020 during the Convid-19 #stayathome. I think I got lazy looking through my life and drifted off to my usual daily life without finishing July to Dec. Let those memories be on my phone. 


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