
#NoBuy : January Update

By iameunicegm - 6:21 PM

 Boy - where do I even begin? 

It was hard trying to control my urges of buying random things. You know you see something online, and think, heey, I think that would look good on me. Then, you open the online platform that sells things like that and one thing lead to the other. I had to stop myself 3 times so that I don't get useless things and I only stopped myself when I was at the checking out page. 

From facebook, I could see people are struggling too to control their urges. There were some confusion on what is a need and what is a want but at the end of the day, it all depends on how you managed and what brings you happiness. 

Now, I wanted to buy a few things which doesn't make sense so I'm gonna park them here so one day, when I am done with this challenge, I can drop by in here and see if there is anything that I still wants. 

Speakers // I have always wanted a speaker but spending so much time at home right now makes me want a speaker more than ever! It's like the whole house would be so nice if I could have a TV and a nice speaker so that I can watch movies or TV series or even just to blast some music. 

Somehow, it never really happen and I am still using my laptop to blast out music at the moment. 

Wigs // I know. I know. People actually asked me, why a wig?!?! Hmm - I recently cut my hair super short and somehow I miss having long hair. Besides, it cost around RM20 so I was trying to justify to myself the value of it. 

My hair grew out so I kinda lost the interest in long hair at this moment. 

Candles // I found a IG page that sells candles and I love candles! I got myself a 3 wick candle for Christmas but somehow it got spoil by a family member. Ahh - I miss candles. 

You would think I managed to handled my urges but nah - I did spend on some needs and wants. 

Food // I know that this is not part of the rule but there was a couple of times that I bought food which is way too much or way out of my budget. This. Got. To. Go. Beach! I'm glad that a friend has been helping out with the cooking or else I could have spend more than I should! 

Starbucks // Each time I visit the hospital, I am so tempted to buy back coffee or even food. Oh, do you know their tuna sandwich is good? Go try it if you want a quick breakfast. I spend RM60 for Jan Starbucks. Not something that I want to continue so I told myself, let's just have RM50 inside and that is all for a month. My fingers are crossed badly that I can pull myself away from the kiosk. 

Cat Stuff // The boys is turning 3 this year and their litter box has been there since they came to this house. Hence, I decided to change it all out and get them a better litter box and with that, I spend RM101 for 2 new litter box and some food. I found out that food online are cheaper too so although I have spend the usual RM300 for Jan, I will try to do better in sourcing for same quality but cheaper price. 

Cleaner Services // Well, I can't run from this. My leg is still recovering so I have to get some help in this area so I spend RM220 for a helper who came by for 8 hours, cleaning and doing laundry. 

Well, I wouldn't say it was too bad but I am so glad I did not fall into my own trap and buy things that I don't need. Please stay strong, gurl! 

If you have any tips, do share! 



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