
#NoBuy : March Update

By iameunicegm - 9:50 PM


Hello Peeps! 

Celik-celik mata, it's coming to April soon. How did time flew by that fast? 
I'm kinda proud of this month - out of 5 goals that I set for myself, I managed to complete 4. *tap tap on back*

Now, let's take a look on how did March went in terms of financial management.

Analysis of Spending

As usual, my top spending goes to bills and this month was a little low as I had some commitment coming to an end. However, standing at 53% of my income, boy, that is not a sight that I enjoy, given that I do not have a car nor a house. 

Standing at number 2 is of course, entertainment at 17%, way more than last month and the biggest purchase that I made was another new tattoo and new books. I told myself not to get new books as online books are cheaper but after trying to finish 2 online books, I gave up. I came to the conclusion that reading on phone or laptop actually distracts me and it doesn't give the same joy as the physical books hence, I am removing that rule but...yes, there is of course a but.. I can only buy books once I finished reading the books that I got (Which is quite a high number to last me for a couple more months). I had less starbucks this month and I am super proud of myself - less coffee cause I could brew it myself at home and less plastic waste too! 

And finally, coming in third, was my health and I did spend quite a lot on it since I renewed my therapy session hence, having to fork up a sum of money for that. It's okay though - this is expected so it's alright. 


Overall, did I did it? Hmm - I did managed to control my urge to buy useless things. I had the habit to add to cart, look at it, rethink my decision, and exit the app. Even in malls - I enter the stall, touch a little here and there and decided, hey I don't need these. Although I think I fail due to getting a tattoo when I don't need another one, I am still glad that I managed to control the many temptations that I had. 

And that's about it. Another month. I am this close to paying off my credit card bills. This close. (Imagine your hand closing in as slow as a sloth moving)


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